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The Watcher- Episode 6 Recap

Scene from The Watcher Episode 6

The Brannock family found a hidden pathway in their basement. There was even someone running away from them in the pathway. Has someone been living in their house all this while?

The Watcher (2022) is a series based on a true story about a family who moved into a new house in New Jersey. The series stars Naomi Watts and Bobby Cannavale as the main couple of the Brannock family.

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The Watcher - Episode 6 Summary & Recap

Secret pathway

As Nora and Dean continued chasing the mysterious figure, they reached a bedroom where someone had been living in. But the figure disappeared behind a door that could not be opened from their side. Turns out John Graff had been living there and the tunnel led to Pearl’s house. Pearl had opened the door for John. It was also revealed that the Preservation Society only consisted of Pearl, Jasper and John.

After this chase, Dean and Nora went to Detective Chamberland to report what they found. However, the detective was offended by how Dean and Nora berated him and Karen in public back then. He therefore, refused to help the couple. 

Meanwhile, Theodora gathered more information about Roger Kaplan and believed that Roger might be involved. According to Roger’s ex-wife Trish, Roger loved the Brannock house. He also loved another house 89 Maple Grove Lane. When Roger failed to buy the house, he wrote a love letter every now and then to the owners of the house. After a while, the owners of that house received slightly more threatening letters about their house. Therefore, Trish believed that Roger was involved. After Trish and Roger divorced, Roger remarried one of his students, Miko.

Scene from The Watcher
Roger and Trish wanted to buy the house on Maple Grove but could not afford it. Photo: Netflix

Roger Kaplan

Hearing all this information from Theodora, Nora and Dean was increasingly convinced that Roger was behind the letters. One night, the Brannock couple cornered Roger and his now wife at the supermarket. Nora and Dean accused Roger for those letters but Roger walked away with his wife. This caused friction between Roger and Miko, and Miko wanted to divorced Roger. Angry, Roger blamed the Brannock couple and  stood outside their house to “watch” them. He refused to leave when Dean asked him to go away.

Dean then started getting nightmares about the safety of his family. He then agreed when Nora told him that they need to sell the house. Dean was actually reluctant, but he needs to prioritize his family’s safety. He even made a big fuss when he saw Mo and Roger talking, congratulating them because the two could now buy their house after scaring them away. Mo mocked Dean for believing the rumour about her involvement in blood sacrificing cults.

Roger Kaplan stood outside the Brannock's family house and told them that they do not deserve the house.

Out of the house

After listing the house, the Brannocks managed to get an offer of 3.5 million for the house, allowing them to leave with a profit. However, the buyer pulled out the next day when an article was published about the house. Karen had gotten some help to release an article that detailed the experience of the Brannocks in their house, from the secret passageways to the threatening letters. Nora stormed over to Karen’s house and the two argued.

The episode ended with the Brannock family moving to a smaller, less prestigious area. It was their old house in the city.

Scene from The Watcher
Karen claimed Nora did not deserve a penny of profit because of her accusations. Photo: Netflix

Additional Observations From Episode 6

  • Dean noticed that there is someone else in Pearl’s house. When he was over at Pearl’s place, he could hear someone sneezing but could see that it wasn’t Jasper. It was in fact John Graff who had sneezed. Dean got even more suspicious when Pearl kept insisting that it was Jasper.
  • When Dean and Nora told their children about selling the house, Ellie and Carter were devastated.

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